Life Hacks

  • Understanding the Intrusive Thought:

    1. Identify the thought: Clearly define the intrusive thought that is causing guilt and worry. For example, "I might have accidentally hurt someone without realizing it."

    2. Challenge the thought: Ask yourself if this thought is based on facts or just a fear. Is there any evidence to support this belief?

    Dispelling the Thought:

    1. Reality testing: Evaluate the likelihood of the event happening. Consider the frequency of similar incidents in your life or the lives of others.

    2. Worst-case scenario analysis: Imagine the worst-case scenario if the thought were true. While acknowledging the potential consequences, assess the likelihood of them occurring and whether you could cope with them.

    3. Neutralizing the thought: Develop coping strategies to reduce the emotional impact of the intrusive thought. This might involve deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, or engaging in a distracting activity.

    Reframing the Thought:

    1. Perspective shift: Try to see the situation from a different viewpoint. Consider the perspectives of others involved or how you might feel in a similar situation.

    2. Acceptance: Acknowledge the intrusive thought without judgment. Understand that it's a common experience and does not define you.

    3. Self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Remind yourself that you're doing your best to cope with the intrusive thought.


    Intrusive thought: "I might have accidentally hurt someone without realizing it."

    Challenge: Is there any evidence to support this belief? Have I ever been accused of hurting someone intentionally?

    Reality testing: How often do people accidentally hurt others without realizing it? Are there safety measures in place to prevent such accidents?

    Worst-case scenario: If I did hurt someone, I could apologize and try to make amends.

    Neutralizing the thought: Practice deep breathing and mindfulness to calm my mind. Engage in a hobby or activity to distract myself.

    Reframing the thought: I am a caring person who tries to avoid harming others. This intrusive thought is likely a product of anxiety, not reality.

    Remember: This exercise is a starting point. Consistent practice and seeking professional guidance can help you manage OCD intrusive thoughts more effectively.

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  • Announcing your Quarter Two Challenge win!  Actually your upcoming 81 wins! (27 days x 3 starting June 3rd)  

    They say the hour before bedtime is the sweet spot.  96.8% of Americans fill it with screen time.   No... don't worry, I am not making you quit that cell phone blue light-emitting diode (LED) addiction.   I am just adding your documentation of 3 wins (accomplishments) each evening before bed during this time.   Then, plan your 3 wins for the following day (no more than 3) to have a proactive architecture to your upcoming day.   Finally, share your 3 wins with your success partner, which increases support, accountability and motivation.  All can be accomplished in 3 minutes. 

    Studies show writing down 3 things before bed increases your happiness. When performance is measured (especially when performance is measured backwards), performance improves.  But when performance is measured and reported back (to an accountability partner) performance accelerates.  

    My husband says... "Jamie, some people just want your medical care, not your coaching."    So... I won't drag you through my excitement.   Please reply to this email if you want to be added to the challenge email list with further directions and guidance.   Take a risk, try something new and see life from a different perspective.  Or... just humor me and support my attempt to share happiness.  

    Want to dive deep into this Idea?  It was borrowed from a new favorite book - Chapter 5: Measure 3 wins daily- maximize the highest-leverage hour of your day.    The Gap and the Gain:  the high Achiever's guide to happiness, success, and confidence.

    3 WINS for tomorrow - Tomorrow is the start of the 1. Sunny, 2. Hot  3. Weekend!!!   FRIDAY!!!  Goodnight! 
