
Two believed fathers, #jamesmccarthy and #gregswan delivery a riveting presentation to Junior and Senior classes about the #fentanylcrisis and how pills not prescribed by your doctor are now considered #counterfeit #killers The two fathers deliver an extremely heartfelt conversation to the students to avoid all drugs, especially those sold by anyone other than your pharmacist, as McCarthy said, "It's no different than playing Russian roulette as 6 of 10 pills are filled with the delay poisoning. Drug Induced Homicide by Fentanyl along with overdoses are now the number number one cause of death for people 15-45 in the United States. Enjoy and spread the word, feel free to go to Fentanylfathers.org and donate and join the #fight #jackiemac4ever #gregeryJohnSwan #Jamiemccarthy #steadymobbmultimedia