We Did it!


1.  KDC is open for 2 months and 2 days!!!  Recognizing I built a business!  

2.  My dad is 73, still working more than full time at least 55+ hours a week at our family's tile and marble business.  He told his colleague that his daughter inherited the workaholic gene.  

3.  Completed the Q2 challenge-  Thomas said he really liked it.  He became good at it! and... Asked when the next one starts!  And gave me ideas!


1. Fireworks

2.  Exercise

3.  Relax (just for a second)

HAPPY 4th of July week! 


1.  Only 2 hours of video games ---- shhhhhh... it's a win. 

2.  He got to play with his friend.  

3.  In RoBlox he showed this guy a secret place to go. 


1.  Getting his new video game he earned. 

2.  Play a lot of his new video game. 

3.  Play with his friend.   

My next goal is to create some video content or summary slides  from the lessons of this exercise.  I want to package this idea with the take home content. ThenI don't have to recreate the wheel if and when I forget some of these details.  And whoever wants to revisit this can.   Does anyone have a great take home story they want to share? 

Day T-1!

1. Made new signs for the door!   (see attached) 

2. Letting go of my ruminating worry, that I possibly offended someone by telling a story that mentioned politics. 

3.  Thomas reframed something that I said negative, into positive... when there was a 70% chance of rain.   He said it's really a 30% chance of no rain!  


1. Bike ride!

2. Start a spreadsheet I have been delaying!

3.  Have the kids help me install a printer!


1.  Watched Anderson do a flip of the HIGH dive.  Everyone needs a crazy brother.

2.  Played video games on the car ride to and from Grandma K's.  It felt like 3 minutes despite being 2 hours. 

3. Ate an excellent hamburger cooked by dad and Grandma K!  

Day T-3!


1.  Jomari came to the rescue after locking myself out of the office. 

2.  Andy came to the rescue and picked up a key. 

3.  Some people are doing an even better job than me, with reporting their wins!


1.  Restart exercising. 

2.   Finally unwrapping the sailboat! 

3.   It's Friday!


1. Ice Cream 

2.  Made it through No screen time today (Before the evening)

3.  Spun a wheel and won a prize.

Day T-5

Day T-5. It's not that I am counting down for this to be over... It's just that June is so happening!


1. Labeled contacts in gmail!

2. Felt caught up for a few seconds!

3. Got a lot of momentary pleasure from scratching the crap out of a mosquito bite.


1. Try two - at making that smoothie.

2. 15 push ups. Moving up!

3. I really want to figure out how to fit in time to exercise, while still being able to work a lot, get sufficient sleep, and blow out summer fun. (Let me know if you have figured this out)


1. Learn: Chewing on gum while roughhousing with your brother can result in momentary choking.

2. Learn: Running on the pool deck can result in skinless toes and bleeding.

3. Learn: Somehow we already forgot... so distressing things can be forgotten.

Win T-6!

1.  Today, Thomas is 10 years old!  WOW! 
2.   We successfully survived the craziest double booked weekend!
3.  Thomas came up with extra wins for me when I couldn't think of any.
1.  Ordering  a new ECG machine-- so don't get chest pain until it arrives. 
2. Make a smoothie
3. Do 10 push ups.    

T: today
1.  He got candy.
2.  It's his birthday!
3.  Played video games.  Got a gift card!

A:  Today:
1. got candy
2. Went to Anthony's 
3. Played with Anthony.
1. Going to see Gigi
2. Going to lunch with Gigi. 
3. It will probably be at McDonalds!!!